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MID 7 Inch Android 2.2

مواصفات وأسعار التابليت

MID 7 Inch Android 2.2

المواصفات Specification

CPU: VIA8650, High-performance 800MHZ CPU 300MHZ DSP

Operating system: Android 2.2 (Support Flash 10.1)
Memory: 256MB DDR2
Storage: 2GB NAND Flash maximum capacity of 32GB tf card
LCD: 7 Inch Touch screen, 800*480 pixels
RJ45 Cable Internet: 10/100M  adaptive
WIFI:IEEE802.11b/g/n wireless network
External 3G (Support Huawei E220, etc)
Audio: 3.5mm headphone jack
High-quality stereo loud speaker
Built-in microphone
Audio file formats supported: MP2, MP3, WAV, AAC, WMA
Video file formats supported: 720p video playing, MPEG1/2/4; MJPG; H263; H264
Photo file formats support: JPG, JPEG, BMP, and PNG.
Camera: Built-in 1.3MP  camera
سعر التابليت فى مصر يتراوح ما بين 600 الى 700 جنيه حسب العروض

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